In the Business of Superior WEB Accessed Solutions


. . . . Wide area network WAN design
A Wide Area Network (WAN) definition might be a network that commonly connects Local Area Networks (LANs) in geographically dispersed locations together using a variety of technologies not normally used to form a LAN.

. . . . Usage and budget criteria
The Wide area networks WANs we might propose or setup might make use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) across the public Internet, or more traditional Leased Circuits from telecoms companies such as Energis™. Alternatively Frame Relay, ISDN or other technologies may be incorporated dependent on usage and budget criteria.

. . . . WAN diagrams
Wide Area Network diagrams are used to document all our proposed solutions in order that we, and our clients, can support them more easily.

"across the public Internet, or more traditional Leased Circuits"
